
On the last day of school, Kaylee waited anxiously for the last bell to ring in her last period class. She was awkwardly tall, had white-pale legs with long dirty blonde hair. She had blue eyes that shined all the way across the classroom. Kaylee was still putting all her papers and books from her locker into her pink victoria secret backpack. When there was officially 20 minutes to the bell, Kaylee began to jump up and down, scream, and get excited while class was still going on. During the lesson Ms Yoder was giving on how to write a correct sentence, all she did was stare and stare at the clock until it hit 3:30. The last bell rang and she ran quickly out of the classroom like lions were chasing her and about to eat her. Then she waited patiently for her mom to pick her up out in front of the high school. She waited, waited and waited but her mom still never showed up. Finally right at 4:30 she ended up showing up an hour late. While riding in the front seat of their blue car, Kaylee was excited because there would be no homework, no studying, or waking up early in the morning. They pulled up at their house and walked inside and Kaylee went straight to lay down in her bed after her long day at school taking a few exams in some classes. She ended up falling asleep and waking up the next morning at 6:30 realizing that today was her last day at school. She rolled out of bed, got ready and walked outside to the car and headed off to finish the rest of her exams since today was her last day of school and not yesterday!



In the late 1950s Wilson Greatbatch, a University of Buffalo Professor, was working with cardiologists to find a way to record human heart sounds. While constructing an experimental machine for this purpose, he decided  he needed to install a current regulating device. It was an easy mistake to make and the color codes on the tiny electrical components were almost identical: brown/black/orange for the type he was after, brown/black/green for the one he selected.

Once he had installed the ‘wrong’ resistor, Greatbatch checked the circuit. There was a pulse, then a second’s silence, then another pulse. It sounded just like a heartbeat. “he said ‘wait a minute  this is a pacemaker!” the inventor later said.

The next task he wanted to do was to shrink the new machine and make it smaller. So greatbatch went  into an old barn to solve the problem how to reduce an electronic appliance to

the size of a kitchen cabinet to the size of a baby’s hand, in order to be able to implant this pacemaker in the chest. Within two years, he had come up with the world’s first implantable cardiac pacemaker. He filed a US patent application for the device on July 22, 1960. After he had almost finished the job, he invented a battery to power it.

Greatbatch, who was born in 1919 and has been awarded. More than 150 American patents, was inducted into the Inventors’ Hall of Fame in 1986.


My final copy

What he was trying to make: Hopps was conducting research on hypothermia and was trying to use radio frequency heating to restore body temperature.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/these-10-inventions-were-made-by-mistake-2010-11?op=1#ixzz2TZ3nMQCI


Haley PR33TY PR33tY Poem!!!

Forget it
You must be kidding
I’m to tired
my eyes hurt
my pencil broke
I don’t even have a sharpener
I’m hungry
this is to hard
I cant think of anything and I don’t even know how to write anything
my head hurts
Time’s up? Uh oh!
All I have is a dumb list of excuses.
You like it? Really? No kidding.
Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one?